If one has to seek to find Silence that one is not yet found by Silence
Yet seeking is a step toward this Silence that already is before a step
Our seeking to find Silence is essential to our being found by Silence
Means of prayer, mediation, and ritual are steps from Silence, in Silence, to Silence
Some places are more conducive to encouraging this movement and different places have different qualities of Silence
These means, and others, bring one to the Sanctum of Eternal Quiet
When one has befriended Silence steps are the playfulness of Grace
One moves from moving to Silence to living from Silence ~ better, being lived by Silence
One discovers this Silence which has found him or her is not a thing but a presence ~ Presence
This means Silence is not inert the Quiet is alive
We are already all enwrapped in Silence ~our conception was from and in Silence, so we innately know Silence ~ the invitation is to re-realize this as living experience
In any moment, any place, alone or with others the invitation is given ~ Silence Itself is the invitation
Where does one begin? anywhere When does one begin? anytime
Another word for Silence is Home
And when Home is joyfully discovered one realizes Home leads Home
* * *
I find nighttime to be especially conducive to bathing in the Quiet, as the environment manifests a more subtle energy. I invite you to read slowly and several times the following on the dark of night and Silence.
The enormity of life's tasks tasks weigh and press on the day ... they demand and insist on a constancy of attention that is relentless. Ah ... but we are fortunate to have night’s solace ~ in the silence that is created by the dark.
Night ... that melancholy time, when the stars remind us of the silence of God. Here we can remember the future, and lean into the unknown, setting aside the oppressive weight of our carefully constructed version of who we think we are, and release that side of the pool. We can remember how to see in the dark ... with our ears ... perceiving the silence in its holy echoing and resonance, its calling forth a knowing that is from the soul.
This silence sends us on a different pilgrimage. It guards the heart’s fire and teaches us to speak from within, with a language that is imbued with the sacred. Words thus nurtured in this holy silence fly forth with the wings of joy, and return to lead us back to the silence from which they were born.
*Cheryl Sanders-Sardello
*Robert Sardello. Silence: The Mystery of Wholeness.
*Move cursor over photographs for photographers and title.
*(C) Brian K. Wilcox. Brian can be contacted @ 77ahavah77@gmail.com .